Thursday, July 16, 2015

Nail Art + Thieves= Disaster!!!

     Now I realize that social media is a good way to advertise, get your name out there, and find inspiration. BUT social media is also a good way to have your hard work stolen and claimed by someone else. I think people on Instagram are the biggest culprit of this. Even if you watermark or put your logo on your photos, some people will go out of their way to crop your watermark out and claim the work as their own, KNOWING that they can't actually do what's in the photo!!! 
     So not only do I feel bad for the nail artist who isn't getting any credit for their work, but I feel bad for the client who saw the photo and booked an appointment with that thieving bitch. The client thinks that she's going to walk out of that nail salon looking and feeling like a million bucks. In reality she's going to walk out of there feeling like a fugly slut (word to Regina George) because the nails on her hands don't look like the nails she saw on Instagram.
     I've seen so many cases of stolen nail art that I can usually tell if it's stolen or not. I notice that a lot of people who don't do good work in the first place are the ones doing this the most. If you look on someone's social media and the work they usually post is mediocre then ALL OF A SUDDEN they're posting masterpieces, 9 times out of 10 its not their work (unless they took a class or something). 
     Now I've seen a few people say that it's OK to use someone else's photos as long as the quality of their work is just as good, but there's a problem with that. If the thief in question COULD do the same quality of work as the artist they stole the pic from, then THEY WOULDNT NEED TO STEAL THE PICTURES IN THE FIRST PLACE!
This shit is getting way out of hand! I think it's a damn shame that everyone has to put 2 , sometimes 3, watermarks on their work just to keep someone from claiming it as their own. Ridiculous.......

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